
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wood Duck ~ Paint Layers

Taking the plunge. Settling into a color pallette.

The painstaking application of color, layer by layer. 
Later, other colors will be applied to add greater detail and definition.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Painting the Wood Duck ~ First strokes

First color choices and first strokes ~ always a hurdle. 

Bart chooses to work slowly and deliberately with a very fine brush.

Dualing Paintbrushes ~ alternating colors to create contrast and detail.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Caleb's Wood Duck (Drake)

Carving Progress: December 4th

Bart has been alternating between the Teal and Wood Duck Projects.
He prefers not to be painting two ducks at the same time so he's staggered the work.

Today: February 2nd

Here's one with the carver

Jordan's Blue-winged Teal

Update on the painting process.
The feathers on the front breast area are still to be painted.