
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Northern Parula Warbler

No working photos of this little beauty but below is the piece of wood from which he sprung.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015

2015 First Look at the Bufflehead Drake

According to Wikipedia, the Bufflehead "rivals the green-winged teal as the smallest American duck...Buffleheads have evolved their small size in order to fit the nesting cavity of their "metabiotic" host, a woodpecker, the northern flicker. Due to their small size, they are highly active, undertaking dives almost continuously while sustained by their high metabolism....Buffleheads are amongst the last waterfowl to leave their breeding grounds and one of the world's most punctual migrants, arriving on their wintering grounds within a narrow margin of time."

From a distance, male Buffleheads are a striking black-and-white.
A closer look shows a glossy green and purple head setting off the striking white patch. 

Photo and description Cornell Lab of Ornithology 

The Preening Pintail Unveiled

Long overdue photos of this magnificent carving, completed in November of 2014