
Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Happy Couple

Canvasback Pair (Drake & Hen)

Happy 2012 everyone! Wishing you health and happiness in the new year.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Canvasback Drake

Completed December 2011

The Canvasback is the largest of the North American diving ducks and is distinguished, in part, by its striking red eye, its wedge-shaped head, and long graceful neck.  According to Wikipedia, the canvasback ranges from 19-22 inches and weighs 2 - 3.5 pounds. This carving is actually quite hefty!

Bart carved the Canvasback Hen last year so I will make a note to photograph the mate later this week and show the pair together. In the meantime, this is the recently completed carving of the male duck.

The finished piece

With Gesso Coat

Friday, April 8, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


While Bart is working on his newest project I thought I would finish posting photos of other work not previously shown. This now makes the blog inventory totally up to date.




Sunday, January 9, 2011

LONG-TAILED DUCK in breeding plumage

The finished piece

Feather detail


 FUN FACTS:    (courtesy of
~ Long-tailed ducks are mid-size sea ducks found in the northern regions of North America
~ Their estimated population is one million, with the greatest concentration in Canada
~ They are the most vocal sea duck
~ They are characterized by a tapered body, short neck & short bill
~ Only the males have the two slim, elongated central tail feathers
~ They fly close to the water's surface in constantly changing formations, 
   often twisting in flight, alternately showing the white belly versus the dark back
~ This species can dive 200 feet deeper than any other duck