
Sunday, January 9, 2011

LONG-TAILED DUCK in breeding plumage

The finished piece

Feather detail


 FUN FACTS:    (courtesy of
~ Long-tailed ducks are mid-size sea ducks found in the northern regions of North America
~ Their estimated population is one million, with the greatest concentration in Canada
~ They are the most vocal sea duck
~ They are characterized by a tapered body, short neck & short bill
~ Only the males have the two slim, elongated central tail feathers
~ They fly close to the water's surface in constantly changing formations, 
   often twisting in flight, alternately showing the white belly versus the dark back
~ This species can dive 200 feet deeper than any other duck

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful; the feathers are spot on. The whole sculpture vibrantly alive.
